Replacing real plants with artificial plants – Yes, sometimes it is a better choice. This is what our customer decide to do after so long having real live plants at their shop.

Real plants provides you oxygen, give the real green look with some of the leaf becoming yellow or brown and everything you need with live plants. But when you or your employees is busy with their work and didn’t give attention to the plants which they need to survive, the result is really bad. Your shop becomes messy with dead leaf or worst, all the plants is dead and dry.

So, after a series of ‘replacing and dead again’ situation, the shop owner decide to change it to artificial plants. They choose artificial areca plants because it has many leaves to cover the seating area.

This is the result. And the best part is, they can continue focusing their energy on making more sales and profit other than to worry about maintenance, picking up the dead leaves or changing to new plants every several days, weeks or months while the shop maintain their green looks.

You want something like this? Just give us a call or Whatsapp us.

For artificial plants choices, please click HERE